Saturday, October 11, 2014

Hoban "Wash" Washburne

The obvious choice from the best-sci-fi-tv-show-ever-omg, Firefly, and its equally amazing motion picture counterpart Serenity, would probably be Mal. I can guarantee, dear readers, that Mal will have his shining moment on this blog, but for now I would like to bask in the understated glory that is Hoban "Wash" Washburne.

Hey there, Blue Eyes. 

Cutest Wash moment ever? Curse your sudden but inevitable hotness!
 Outside of his fantastic sense of humor, intelligence, and dreamy eyes, the most attractive part about Wash is that he just may be the best partner in Science Fiction. His relationship with wife Zoe makes me swoon with both happiness, and yeah I'll admit it, major jealousy.

Alright, we get it, you're perfect... I mean... awww
Wash's wife is hot, strong, independent, and he is he is equally supportive, proud, and head-over-heels lustfully infatuated.

Wash and Zoe, marriage goals.
I don't want to give away spoilers, but this man never fails to make me cry regardless of how many times I've watched Serenity (and it's a lot. like, a LOT)

Wash, tell me I'm pretty!

Cause I'm pretty??

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Fox Mulder

David Duchovny's Fox Mulder is the geeky, driven, and approachable but gorgeous man of every sci-fi fan girl's dreams. I was a die hard X Files fan, up until he left the show. Aliens, government conspiracies, but no Fox? No thank you.

Smoldering Fox
Geeky Dreamboat
One of my favourite parts of the show was watching Dana Scully self-consciously attempt to hide her attraction. You're doing fine, Dana, no one notices the fire behind your eyes...

Yeah girl, play it cool.

I shall excuse your bad turtle neck, if you make out with me.
And for a bonus treat- time for tea?

No Caption Necessary...

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Captain Jack Harkness

If it moves, he flirts with it. 

Captain Jack. Oh what those intense eyes do to me. Time traveling pal of Doctor Who, immortal, and knock-you-on-your-back beautiful.

Oh, hey there
Marry me. No really, I wouldn't even mind your occasional trysts with Ianto. Can't say I'd blame him. Or you.

Is it hot in here?

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Well, huh...

Sometimes when googling your name you find blogs that were drunkenly started years ago, and then promptly forgotten about...

I think this one deserves a revival!

Stay tuned!