Tuesday, June 7, 2016

"Star-Lord" Peter Quill

Played by Chris Pratt in Guardians of the Galaxy.

I mean seriously...

played by Chris Pratt.

A beefed-up, tousled-haired, sarcastic, and deliciously goof-ballish Chris Pratt.

Oh to be the hot green alien daughter of a super-villain god... if only...

once you go green?

Star-Lord's got wickedly nostalgic taste in music and a group of friends who
take some getting used to, but if you're ever in trouble he'll probably be able to save you! 
(but maybe you should bone up on your self-defence skills just in case...)

Buckle up for safety!

Dating Star-Lord would be a guaranteed adventure. You may die, or get captured, 
but he would always know how to break the tension and get you to laugh while 
you're staring down the barrel of an element gun... 

I mean, the mask could be fun.

 Half-alien, half-human, and total babe. 

For all your cheese grating needs.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Karl "Helo" Agathon

Helo. I don't even know where to begin with this one. If I had a man-designing machine to design the world's most beautiful man, it would come out Karl "Helo" Agathon.

With that strong jaw and those sad eyes, Helo is kind and intensely loyal - probably to a fault. 

I can't even...

Once BSG has its hooks into you, you will find yourself swooning over this man. What sometimes comes across as weakness or naivety to those of the straight male persuasion, I like to think of positively- ultimately stemming from this teddy bear's huge capacity for love.
Brooding beauty. You're so deep, Helo.
Oh to be that assault rifle...
He even has a strong paternal side. 

My uterus is crying.
I won't let the other mean soldiers pick on you! Come here, teddy bear!