Thursday, February 18, 2016

Karl "Helo" Agathon

Helo. I don't even know where to begin with this one. If I had a man-designing machine to design the world's most beautiful man, it would come out Karl "Helo" Agathon.

With that strong jaw and those sad eyes, Helo is kind and intensely loyal - probably to a fault. 

I can't even...

Once BSG has its hooks into you, you will find yourself swooning over this man. What sometimes comes across as weakness or naivety to those of the straight male persuasion, I like to think of positively- ultimately stemming from this teddy bear's huge capacity for love.
Brooding beauty. You're so deep, Helo.
Oh to be that assault rifle...
He even has a strong paternal side. 

My uterus is crying.
I won't let the other mean soldiers pick on you! Come here, teddy bear!

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